AbdelilahBoukili from Marrakesh, Morocco has a great World Current Event Blog based on News from BBC. Abdelilah is an English Teacher who is an informed News Junkie who seems to feel compelled to do his part in educating people with the facts plus adding his own thought provoking take.
If you are a News Junkie as I am you will appreciate this Blog.
If you are a fast car enthusiast I think you might enjoy this blog http://luigipazienza.blogspot.com/ Not only are the Pictures impressive the drivers are too.
I came across this great blog by "11 year old Howard" http://savantschoolhoward.blogspot.com/2008/05/trip-around-world-2-take-trip-to.html which brought me back 30 years to when I had many "pen pals" across the pond and around the states. I used to love hearing from my far away friends. I only wish my own children (11 year old Andrew and 16 year old Ari) would of had interest to follow my lead.
I was thoroughly impressed by the writing of this very talented young man. He lets us know about his new discoveries from interesting places in the world and about his lasted "Reads" as well as writing about current events.
If you have children or are a teacher Blog Pals is a great adventure to discover.
Ok while I was a blog hopping I came across this "Fan Blog " of Fashion for Suri Cruise. How incredible is that.. The world of the blog is endless... Not to mention this little girl is absolutely adorable.. Please check out http://suricruisefashion.blogspot.com/
This Beautiful picture is from "Markus in Coimbra"http://markusinportugal.blogspot.com/ I am assuming this is written in Portuguese, therefore I can't read a word, but the pictures are gorgeous..
Jmaa el Fnaa. aka Tourist Trap. Snake charmers, pet monkeys This is from "Ryan and Nicole's Happenings" Travel blog.http://rburbank.blogspot.com/2008/05/rabat.html They are in Rabat (the capital of Morocco) which by the looks of it is totally cool. I for one love "Travel blogs". They have put many gorgeous pictures on the blog. It's always fun getting away without having to actually go anywhere.
Ok this first one is from a blog that I stumbled across through a goggle search for Today is. I don't know what happened to this guy (assuming this is a guy) but this One hit wonder sure is talented in the art of "Foam sculpting". If you have a minute check out this blog and have fun.
Please note all images on this blog are the sole property of the artist and are copyrighted with all rights reserved, and therefore may not be used or reproduced in any way without permission. Please contact the artist if you want to copy something. This blog is soley for inspiration!! Thanks xoxo
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Maukie - the virtual cat... Wave over Kitty and hear him....
Always looking for the creativity in Life. I live in Plant City, Florida with my two sons(Ari and Andrew), my husband Jon, and Spooky our cat and Max our crazy dog.In my spare time I enjoy blogging and reading a good book , and Look forward to family summer vacations at the cottage in Michigan and some day will get to travel the world.
While I'm on my own creative journey, In my free time, I'm writing about things I love and enjoy, mostly creativity, things that hopefully inspire others and bring hope and joy. As I fight against following the EGO, I'm trying to live authentically and follow where the Muse takes me. I was lucky enough to travel as a child and be surrounded by talented, sweet people and know the struggles and frustrations of following the roads less traveled., so this is just me having fun enjoying the journey :-)